Troy Moore Essay Contest Rules

Troy Moore Undergraduate Philosophy Essay Contest Rules:


  1. Entrant must be a registered Georgia State University undergraduate student at the time the essay is submitted and at the time of any award.
  2. By submitting an essay for consideration, entrant certifies that the essay is his/her own work, that all sources have been given proper credit, and that the work is consistent with Georgia State University’s policies on academic honesty.
  3. The Jean Beer Blumenfeld Center for Ethics reserves the right not to award some or all of the prizes for any given year.
  4. All decisions of the review committee of the Jean Beer Blumenfeld Center for Ethics are final and cannot be appealed.
  5. Essays submitted for other classes are acceptable entries for the contest.
  6. Essays must be no longer than 5000 words.
  7. Essays must be typed.
  8. Essays must be in English.
  9. Each student is limited to one entry per contest.
  10. The Jean Beer Blumenfeld Center for Ethics reserves the right to withhold, delay, or rescind a prize in the event an entrant’s essay violates the Georgia State University’s policies on academic honesty or in the event of an ongoing investigation into any alleged violation.
  11. Entrant forfeits any prize awarded in the event his/her essay violates the Georgia State University Honor Code.
  12. Entrants must provide their GSU student ID number. Winners of awards must provide their Social Security numbers before their award can be processed. An entrant will forfeit the prize if s/he does not provide this and other requested information within two weeks of an emailed request to the entrant’s GSU student email account.
  13. The First Place award winner agrees to accept the award at that academic year’s annual Honors Day award ceremony, held each April.
  14. Winners of the prizes agree that their essays may be posted to the Jean Beer Blumenfeld Center for Ethics website.
  15. Award prizes might not be delivered until after the annual Honors Day ceremony, held each April.