
Dr. Seumas Miller discusses moral injury during his 2019 visit to GSU.

Colloquium: Sean Aas (Philosophy, Georgetown), “Multiplicity, Embodiment, and the Demands of Agency,” Friday April 1, 2022. Cosponsored by Center for Ethics Student Forum and Minorities and Philosophy. Event flyer and event audio

Research presentation: Lauren Walsh (NYU and New School), “Photojournalism in a World of Crisis.” March 22, 2022. Cosponsored by the Department of Communication. Event flyer and event recording.

Colloquium: Jennifer Morton (UNC-Chapel Hill): “Resisting Pessimism Traps: The Limits of Epistemic Resilience”. Apr. 21, 2021. Event flyer.

Colloquium: Zena Hitz (St. John’s College): “The Uses of Useless Learning”. Apr. 19, 2021. Event flyer and recording.

Colloquium: Clark Wolf (Iowa State University): “Human Extinction”. Apr. 14, 2021. Event flyer and recording.

Colloquium: Mark Murphy (Georgetown): “Law Without Coercion”: Apr. 13, 2021. Event flyer and recording.

Colloquium: Brandon Dean Warmke (Bowling Green State University): “Grandstanding: The Use and Abuse of Moral Talk”. Apr. 9, 2021. Event flyer and recording.

Colloquium: Elizabeth Brake ( Rice University): “The Wrong of Stalking”. Apr. 1, 2021. Event flyer and recording.

Colloquium: Predrag Cicovacki (the College of the Holy Cross): “The Meaning of Life”. Mar. 30, 2021. Event flyer and recording.

Colloquium: Jose Mendoza (University of Washington): “‘Go Back to Where you Came From!’ Racism, White Nationalism and Xenophobia”. Mar. 26, 2021. Event flyer and recording. 

Colloquium: Joel Reynolds (Georgetown University): “We Are All Somebody’s Child: Disability, Speciesism, and the Problem of Dehumanization”. Mar. 5, 2021. Event flyer and recording.

Colloquium: Christian List (LMU Munich): “Group Agency and Artificial Intelligence”. Feb. 12, 2021. Event flyer and recording.

Colloquium: Cecile Fabre (Oxford University): “Duties of Good Samaritanism: Some Unusual Cases”. Jan. 27, 2021. [Cosponsored by the Center for Ethics Student Forum] Event flyer and recording.

Colloquium: Seumas Miller (Charles Sturt University): “Moral Injury among Police Officers and Warfighters”. Nov. 1, 2019. (Audio of presentation available upon request. Please contact Lauren Cooper at [email protected])

Colloquium: Michael Monahan: (University of Memphis), “Racism and ‘Self-Love’: The Case of White Nationalism,” February 22, 2019. [Cosponsored by Phi Sigma Tau Zeta (GA).]

Colloquium: Matt Andler: (University of Virginia), “What is Sexual Identity?”, September 21, 2018. [Cosponsored by Center for Ethics Student Forum.]

Colloquium: Falguni Sheth: (Emory University), “Race, Violence, and Vulnerability” April 13, 2018

Colloquium: Bryce Huebner (Georgetown University), “Situated Attention and the Shape of Experience”, Feb. 18, 2018

Colloquium: Peter Balint, University of New South Wales, Canberra, “Neutrality and the accommodation of diversity”, Feb. 10, 2018

Colloquium, Prof. Greg Pence, Professor of Philosophy, University of Alabama, Birmingham, “The Bucharest Early Intervention Study in the Neurosciences”, March 4, 2016.

Colloquium, Derrick Darby, Philosophy: University of Michigan, “Tracking Injustice in Education,” February 26, 2016

Colloquium, Jacob Levy, Political Science, McGill University, February 15, 2016, “There is no such thing as ideal theory.”

Colloquium: Naomi Zack, (Philosophy, University of Oregon), “How Police Profiling and Homicide are now Legal but Unjust,” March 23, 2015.

Colloquium: Linda Radzik, “Is Gossip a Legitimate Form of Social Punishment?” April 30, 2015.

Colloquium: Kevin Vallier, “A Genuinely Liberal Approach to Religion in Democratic Politics.”

Colloquium: Cynthia Stark, University of Utah, Philosophy: “Rescuing the Pareto Argument” – April 25, 2014. Liberalism faculty seminar with students, April 25, 2014.

Colloquium: Chris McMahon (Philosophy, University of California, Santa Barbara): “Reasonableness and Legitimacy”, April 11, 2014.

Colloquium: Christopher Heath Wellman (Philosophy, Washington University, St. Louis), March 10, 2014, “Procedural Rights”.

Colloquium: Margaret Urban Walker, Donald J. Shuenke Chair, Department of Philosophy, Marquette University: September 20, 2013, 3:30 PM, Philosophy Department Conference Room, “The Task of Reparations: Modeling Accountability, Here, for Now.”

Colloquium: Matt Zwolinski, Department of Philosophy, University of San Diego, October 11, 2013, Philosophy Department Conference Room, “Exploitation and Unfair Pricing.”

Peter Vallentyne, Florence G. Kline Chair in Philosophy, University of Missouri: , colloquium Friday, September 6, 2013 at 3:30 PM, “Self-Defense against Rights-Intrusions (Non-Culpable and Culpable)”.

Colloquium: James Stacey Taylor, Associate Professor of Philosophy, College of New Jersey, March 29, 2013, “Why we cannot wrong the dead: The case of promising.”

Colloquium: Jason Brennan, Assistant Professor of Strategy, Economics, Ethics, and Public Policy at Georgetown University, February 22, 2013, “Against Compulsory Voting”

Fall 2012 speaker series: “Values and Social Choice” (cosponsored with the Department of Economics of the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies).
Four distinguished guests visited Georgia State as part of a speaker series. Each delivered a colloquium to the Departments of Economics and Philosophy. Each also sopke at the seminar on “Values and Preferences in Social Choice”, which was team taught by Profs. Yongsheng Xu (Economics) and Andrew I. Cohen (Philosophy). The course and speaker series were inspired by C. Richard Long, Georgia State economics (emeritus). He generously helped to fund the Fall speaker series:
Prasanta Pattanaik (Economics, University of California – Riverside) 10/10-11, with a presentation, “On the Notion of Capability,” Th 10/11, 3 PM, room 749, AYSPS.

Daniel Hausman (Philosophy, University of Wisconsin – Madison) 10/22-23, with a colloquium, T 10/23, “Health, Well Being, and Preferences,” 2:30, Philosophy Department Conference Room (11th floor, 34 Peachtree).

Laura Taylor (Agricultural and Resource Economics, North Carolina State University) 10/29-30, with a presentation on T 10/30, “Identifying the Value of a Statistical Life: A Quasi-Experimental Approach,” 3 PM, room 749 AYSPS.

Iwao Hirose (Philosophy, McGill University) 11/13-14, with a colloquium, T 11/13, “Telic Egalitarianism,” 2:30, Philosophy Department Conference Room (11th floor, 34 Peachtree).

Sasha Volokh, Emory University Law School, November 30, 2012, “Privatization and the Elusive Employee-Contractor Distinction”

“To be or Not to be (a Parent): How interdisciplinary research on well-being can help us with the big questions” March 17, 2012
Valerie Tiberius (University of Minnesota – Twin Cities).
Cosponsored with the Center for Ethics Student Forum and Phi Sigma Tau.

Colloquium: “Compensatory Justice”
February 17, 2012
Bernie Boxill (UNC-Chapel Hill, Philosophy).

The Jean Beer Blumenfeld Center for Ethics and the Department of Philosophy cosponsored a series of talks on diversity in academia in the Spring of 2012. Among the speakers were Bernie Boxill (UNC-Chapel Hill, philosophy), Valerie Tiberius (University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, philosophy), Dabney Dixon (Georgia State, Chemistry), and Louise Antony (U-Mass, Amherst, Philosophy).

Colloquium: “Legitimacy and (Natural) Rights”
April 19, 2011 Bas Van der Vossen, (philosophy, UNC-Greensboro)

“Reflections on the Standard of the Reasonable Person in Criminal Law”
March 19, 2011. Marcia Baron (Indiana University, Philosophy).
Cosponsored with the Center for Ethics Student Forum and Phi Sigma Tau.

Colloquium: “Blame, Italian Style”
April 23, 2010
Susan Wolf (UNC-Chapel Hill, Philosophy)

Colloquium, “On the significance of Property”
April 8, 2010
Speaker: Professor David Schmidtz (Philosophy, University of Arizona)

Annual Phi Sigma Tau Philosophy Colloquium
March 14, 2009
Featuring five student essays and a keynote address by Prof. Mark Murphy (Philosophy, Georgetown): “A Neglected Solution to the Problem of Political Authority?” The symposium was an undergraduate and graduate conference of philosophy papers on any topic of philosophical interest, open to all undergraduates and graduate students from any university.

Lecture: The Limits of Reproductive Freedom
January 9, 2008
Speaker: David Benatar, University of Cape Town

Lecture: Pluralilty of Values
November 13, 2007
Speaker: Alan Carter, University of Glasgow

Lecture: Forced Sterilization Laws: The 100 Year History of Eugenics
October 18, 2006
Speaker: Professor Paul Lombardo, Georgia State University

Colloquium: Democratic Distributive Justice and Rawls’s Idea of the Social Minimum:
April 22, 2005
Rex Martin, University of Kansas.

Ossabaw Inaugural Lecture
September 28, 2005
Jonathan W. Malino, Guilford College
Perspectives on Religious Pluralism: Talmud, Philosophy, and Israeli Politics
34 Peachtree Street, 11th floor conference room.

Colloquium: Human Rights and the Legacy of King
January 21, 2005
Part of the Martin Luther King, Jr. commemorative week at Georgia State: Michael Sullivan, Emory University.

Colloquium: International Aid: When Giving Becomes a Vice
October 22, 2004
Neera Badhwar, University of Oklahoma

Colloquium: Why Your Life Is So Much Worse Than You Think
October 15, 2005
David Benatar, University of Cape Town